Slang term for when someone with male genitalia tucks their appendage between their legs to make it less obvious.
Before she finished her drag look, she made sure to tuck between the crack.
by Mazal_Tov_Jess April 17, 2021
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The period of time between when you run out of weed
im between buys right now
by yurpynibnib June 19, 2020
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I will now quote TF2's sniper for the difference: ones a job and ones a mental sickness
"What's the difference between mascot and furry? Well, the difference bein' one is a job and the other's a mental sickness!"
by Possiblewarcriminal July 17, 2023
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When you can't decide whether you should do something wrong for the right reason or do something right for the wrong reason.
I'm really in between the heavens about killing my mothers rapist.
by Sansur January 23, 2016
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You didn't want to be equal! You wanted to be authoritative wisdom guy that eveyone has to respect and listen to!
Hym "A conversation between equals... That's not an allusion to me, is it? Because, like, I don't consider you equal, therefore, you're justified in excluding me? Because you didn't think we were equal, initially. You though I was incompetent incel schizoid and that you were extra-special competent prophet. AND NOW THAT IT CLEAR THAT EQUALITY ISN'T EVEN POSSIBLE BETWEEN ME AND ANYONE ELSE... NOW... You care about EQUALITY. You were just saying incels were weasels and reprehensible. And then Piers Morgan called them deplorable and you did a complete 180⁰. And said we shouldn't be piling on. And NOW... That I DON'T THINK YOU... Are equal... Well now MY POSITION ON EQUALITY is (somehow) the problem. NOT BACK WHEN YOU WERE ARGUABLY THE BETTER ONE... Now that it's ABSO-FUCKING-LUTELY clear who the better one is.... NOW I NEED TO START CONSIDERING PEOPLE MY EQUALS... But only NOW... After I created A.I. after years of being mocked, harassed, and shamed.... Now we're equal... That's what you want from me now?"
by Hym Iam May 15, 2024
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A person who gives an average amount to succeed or have fun. Basically, an in-between of being a try hard and try soft
Most people are try in-betweens, unlike Sal.
by Svifias March 5, 2019
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