Can you believe Stacy Hilton doesn't know Dickey's BBQ is hot garbage?
by HotGarbage1234 December 17, 2022
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Sneak off to a private place and pull up your skirt for this summer-friendly sex move
My wife and I were at a boring BBQ and decided to spice it up with a BBQ Quickie.
by Thealterboy July 29, 2021
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The best type of BBQ ever! Even better with footmassage!
Person 1: Oh I love to eat Jones' BBQ
Person 2: My too, have you tried it with footmassage?
by Kawaii Monkey March 20, 2019
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BBQ Dealer: A person who uses selling BBQ as a front for selling grams of some sort of illegal substance usually in Griffin , GA in various locations.
Hey Leroy! Let’s go to Grip Town and get a G from the BBQ man.
by BBQ Dealer January 4, 2020
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BBQ stands for weed in some countries of Latin America.
- Dude, what you doin'? Wanna get some BBQ?
- Totally, bro!
by andresgc7 April 29, 2021
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when someone tries to say bbg in roblox but ends up saying barbecue
hey bbq😏 how ya doing bbq😏 wanna hang out bbq😏
by Twitteruserscant_takeajoke March 23, 2022
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A group of fine gentlemen gathering to entertain a fiery redhead.
She organized the BBQ for her own benefit, and we all let her lay back and enjoy as we took care of the work.
by Jiblet_Gravy February 8, 2021
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