A person who clowns around or who may act like an asshole but dont deserve that much credit
by HotMia October 30, 2018
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Somebody who sits on another person's head at any given time more than once.
My partner sits on my face during foreplay thus making them an asshat.
by missrhiiirhiii August 14, 2023
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Definition 1: A person who has their head squarely up their own ass, wearing it like a hat.
Definition 2: A red baseball style hat proclaiming "Make America Great Again".
"Look at that asshat wearing that asshat."
"An asshat is included in the Racist Old White Man starter pack."
by Ya_mom May 25, 2017
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a hat that is wiped upon one's dirty buttocks and then given to some clueless jerk to wear; also, the person wearing said hat.
He dumped her via email on Valentine's Day, what an asshat!
by penelope453 November 18, 2014
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A playful way of saying "You are fucking annoying and you need to go somewhere else you little turd!" To your friend...
When he said he broke up with my best friend, I said, "How could you do that you little Asshat!"
by The Girl Around The Corner February 7, 2017
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An insult used to define a person with their head up their ass. It is considered a curse word.
"Did you eat the last cookie?! You asshat!"
by Insult Creator April 18, 2022
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Norhan was being her normal, asshat self, when she kept playing with me.
by birdboi May 24, 2018
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