Urban Chess is what one is playing when snitching. Urban Chess means someone is informing on activities others in the community turn a blind eye to, for their own reasons.
Darrel: "Dashawn been playing urban chess with the police again"
James: "Someone should cap his ass"
by LitBoiXO June 4, 2022
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A board game by snoozyman that uses chess pieces to play Tic Tac Toe to make three in a row.
"Let's play Tic Tac Chess."
by jiggysaw17 January 8, 2021
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Just like chess, every decision in the game of life has an impact on the rest of your game. One bad move and your entire game is ruined or in the least, it makes it hard to recover from that bad choice. Ask mom for $40 just so you can get 20$? Chess...Souping up the Chipolte girl just so she gives you more chicken, chess.
Yo, yesterday i noticed that a cop pulled out in back of me a few lights back. My tags are expired so I hit that left and a right into Bristol Farms, got out and kept it moving. Everything is chess.
by MajorChess October 11, 2019
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A niche sport where you box someone and play chess
"Did you watch that chess boxing tournament?"
"Yeah man, it was crazy."
by A Schlatt Fan December 27, 2022
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Chess in the bathroom... or sex... not sure which rly.
"hey, lets play bathroom chess ;)" "okay, lemme grab the board." "what board?"
by CCG_2521 July 26, 2023
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Everythink what is necessary or possibe

Ex : don't be worry we will do the chesse in order to save your son from death
Ex :we must do the chesse if we want to gain this fight with terrorists
by Xvy December 9, 2017
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