What a load of pretentious crap. When I was a teenager I used to think this band was so fucking cool. Now I’m older and a lot more rational and it’s hard not to pick up on the cringe and pretentiousness of it all. Rozz Williams was no genius. Just a poor man’s Robert Smith.
Christian Death were lame as fuck.
by WorseThanHitler December 4, 2020
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A debate rule which goes as follows:
At the average 6 round tournament, you should expect to lose two rounds. One of these rounds will be against a team that kicks the shit out of you, and the other will be a slip up. The four other rounds are won.
Wayzata: Christian's 4-2 Rule holds true once again at the NDF tournament
Vaskez: told you!
by ccans July 26, 2021
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His name means "God's Child". Being named this proves his messiah status. Goulding, originating from Ireland, gives this man the normally impossible feat of total alcohol immunity. Combining theses 2 traits allows for Christian Goulding to be the most amazing deity to ever walk the Earth.
Man: Holy shit that man can drink.
Wife: And he's real fucking hot.
Man: What!?!
Wife: Sorry honey, he's just such a Christian Goulding.
by GeetLord January 5, 2018
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a school based completely on the amount of money you have. the more money you have, the more people will like you.
by Godjgsdfgsdfgdsfgsdgsdg March 9, 2017
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a nasty hoe thats gay and needs attention (period)
"hey have you seen christian dean? hes so fuggin gay broo!"
by shrekstiddiemilkk September 29, 2020
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