Any website or business that is created simply to steal your credit or debit card
Hey, don’t trust those sites! You never know if they’re just card predators
by THEGMANERER July 11, 2018
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The Line/row of men found on the walls or edge of dance floors staring at prey. They sometimes but rarely attack their prey.
“Last night I saw so many guys in predator row
by milkyfire September 28, 2019
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Show where Chris Hansen confronts men who have arrived at a sting house hoping to have a nice little date with a 12 year old girl
Chris: "Have a Seat, Please keep your hands where I can see them, Did you find the place OK?"

Pervert: "I'm not gay or anythin', I'm just sayin."

To Catch a Predator
by Lee Weatherall November 29, 2019
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A gay male who does nothing but think of ways to get all the cocks around him
This cock predator was checking me out
by antigaraantigay77 antigay77aaa October 16, 2020
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An indiviual who will stalk and prey upon the food of others in a community living environment. This could be a roommate or co worker that shares a pantry or refrigerator with others. Pantry predatoring is not limited to only food, toiletries, left- overs and perishables. It is the act of taking such without the consent or permission of the rightful owner.
Our roommate is a pantry predator, late at night when everyone is sleeping , he raids the refrigerator!
by Creativelingo November 22, 2018
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A predator of the sexual kind, who preys on young boys and leaves their holes gaping.
Karen: Hey! Did you know that the Pope is required to be a virgin!

Derek: Don't kid yourself. The Pope is a gapex predator.
by eye-dropper May 30, 2021
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This person is an individual who preys on young fresh men because she has a lust for blood.
Yo predator bella is gonna be on the streets tonight watch out.
by predatoi November 23, 2021
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