the most musty crusty ass kid you'll ever meet you will find apple sauce or some mixture of food on their ipad, you can tell whos a ipad by the clothes they wear, their shirts are cocomelon or baby shark or a creeper sweatshirt and their pant are blue always blue. amkes sure they dont take your phone what they say before they take your phone is '' do you have games on your phone" then they add finger prints all over your phone
my brother is an ipad kid!
by Quandale_dingle the 3rd June 1, 2022
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A kid born between 2012-2020 who is constantly using an ipad to watch stupid videos or play stupid money-grabbing games. Typically an entitled brat.
by headshotcraft January 28, 2023
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Children that were given an iPad at a young age. They're usually loud, annoying and like Roblox, Fortnite, Cocomelon and RyansToysReviews. Their iPads are usually crusty amd dirty; covered in cheeto dust. If they were forced to go outside, they'll come up to you and ask if you have games on your phone; if you answer no they'll start screaming and throwing a tantrums. Their mothers are usually karens that spoil them rotten.

Two fine examples of an iPad kid are Quackity and Screech from DOORS.
A: Why is this iPad so dirty?
B: Oh don't touch that, it belongs to lil Timmy, he's an iPad Kid
by iliketoconsumrbutter August 31, 2022
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she is such an ipad kid.
by cgizzy July 5, 2023
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iPad kids are those annoying little pricks who ask for your "MesnGeR kIdS".
Ah yes, the iPad kid. The piece of shit.
by May 26, 2023
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that one stupid unsocial kid who has an ipad at the age of 2-9 and 20 years later the parents wonder why their kid was a elementary and middle school loser.
Briana: Why is that kid with his ipad and not playing basketball outside with his cousins?

Abdul: He's an ipad kid, he lacks basic social skills and has never talked to anybody but their mom and dad.
by jimyjohn December 20, 2021
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