A sequel Final Fantasy game for Final Fantasy X. This game focuses mainly on following up Yuna's story. Unfortunately, it doesn't do much following up unless you are prepared to spend more time leveling up and doing frustrating side quests such as the gunner's gauntlet than playing actual story missions. If you did only play direct story missions, the game would only take a complete moron about an hour to finish.

As well as this, the idea of playing barbie with 3 barely clothed teenage girl video game characters is not necessarily most people's cup of tea.

However, the story line is pretty good and satisfying (if you can be bothered to finish all the places perfectly)... touching possibly. The FMV scenes are actually pretty good and the normal cutscenes have graphics that don't make you want to cry and question if technology has made any advancements at all.
FFX laughing scene comes on, arguably the worst scene ever created.

Gamer: I hope Final Fantasy X-2's cutscenes are better than this... I hope no one I know sees this...
by _General_Zod_Will_Rule_ January 27, 2007
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Pigheaded, ignorant sheep-minded fools who refuse to admit that games have improved in the decade since Final Fantasy VII was released. Worship an overhyped video game because it is fashionable to do so. Also tend to target Final Fantasy VI and VIII as the popularity driven trend of hate.

Any attempt to improve or advance the stale, trite formula of: "Stand in a line, pick fight/magic/Item from a menu and wait.
-Or, moving past interface/designs that only existed due to hardware limitations-
are met with fear, irrational rage, insults and a refusal to accept change or improvement.

Immune to logic, common sense, counter arguments or objective, even handed thought.
Final Fantasy VII fankids want Final Fantasy VII over and over with graphical improvements only. They are also arrogant enough to define the entire series by superficial means like "being turn-based".
Nothing will ever be good enough because they don't want it to be and don't care how ignorant and stupid they look.
by Lig Na Baste June 10, 2008
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Sequel to Final Fantasy X, and ties up the loose ends of the story. For instance, what happened to the people of Spira during the eternal Calm, and what the hell was Tiuds doing appearing underwater after the credits.
While being okay story-wise, the game itself felt incomplete and a shadow of what it promised to be. A real shame.

See also total disappointment
Me: Yes!! My copy of Final Fantasy X-2 that I pre-ordered three months ago has finally arrived! Now I can see how one of the most enjoyable RPGs in recent years continues and ultimately ends!

(five minutes later)

Me: This is a total let down.

(five minutes later)

Me: Whoa. I completed it.
by HJ Kofflinger May 3, 2006
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An attempt at a good sequel to FFX. It's basically Yuna with shrunken whore like clothes, Rikku with bigger hair and very sluttish clothes, and a new character Paine who also looks like a slut. Made for younger girls but mostly played by serious final fantasy otakus and perverted men.
Final Fantasy X-2 is a slutty game made for old perverted men who can't get a girlfriend and who got dumped by their wives cuz they just wanted sex.
by Marisa D. April 23, 2006
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A website dedicated to the popular rpg game series. It contains many forums and news related articles regarding the games
by Eulrin October 14, 2003
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a paradox; lame move made by Squaresoft to capitalize on the extreme popularity of Final Fantasy 10 brought on by the lack of good games for the new PS2 console
by patrickson March 27, 2004
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The sequel to Final Fantasy X. Dubbed shitty by guys who are so uncomfortable with their sexuality that they hated it based on the premise that they played a female character and the abilities system is based on different outfits. Didnt necessarily need to introduce a totally different storyline, it was needed to tie up loose ends from X. In all, a pretty good game. Touching, I might say.
The only reason Final Fantasy X-2 has a shitty reputation is because of dipshits that cant get over that the player characters are girls and that understanding and enjoying the story requires emotion and intelligence.
by seraphicreverie January 31, 2005
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