Big alpha male, epic gamer, cool person and he is a very big pog.
Big Butch is the biggest alpha male.
by Big butch March 22, 2021
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In layman's terms for you non-gender researching people ou there. Sorry if you're confused about the LGBT wiki. But you know what a femboy is right? You know what a twink is right? You know what a TOMboy is right? You know what a butch is right?

You see where I'm getting at? A Butch Twink is a Tomboy that is ALREADY (AMaB) Male, non-binary/genderqueer etc.
They're androgynous, has a more masculine personality but sticks to a feminine/masc appearence. They are the OPPOSITE of a Femboy. They're a femboy if the femboy was into looking cool instead.

Now some may not like this definition. As a Butch Twink myself, it's how I see myself, thanks.
I saw a butch twink the other day walking down the street, had a cool tattoo so I said it to them. When I saw their face and heard their voice I just knew they were androgynous!
by Closet Possum October 20, 2023
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A lesbian transtrender with a dissociative disorder.
Basically any female who thinks they are transgender but because they are so homophobic that can't get over the fact that they are a lesbian.
That girl is not trans, she's a butch in a binder.
by Lumlotus August 3, 2019
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a high school blowout. basically a frat party for high schoolers.
bruh are you going to tommy’s butch party on saturday? heard it was gonna be wild
by definingurbans June 18, 2019
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More or less beating someone's ass, may include capping someone or otherwise dominating every circumstance no matter what.
by Shakethisspear November 27, 2009
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Wow, Did you see that piece of Butch Meat? it was banging.
by The TRUth Speaka July 2, 2011
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