A Word that was casually mentioned and made a man called Karl laugh and It's what you call a cross of a Border Terrier and a Poodle
Guy:Yeah my dog is a Border-Poo
Dude:The fuck is a Border-Poo
by Maldonado D November 1, 2019
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Short pubes in the front, long ass hair in the back... Businesses in the front party in the back
My girl's got that south of the border mullet if you know what I mean!!
by Dixie Stampede February 19, 2016
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A region in the United States that were slave states back during the Civil War but didn't secede from the Union like the Confederacy. The states in this category are Missouri, Kentucky, West Virginia, Maryland and Delaware.

Kentucky and West Virginia are now considered to be Southeastern states, Maryland and Delaware are considered to be Mid-Atlantic states and Missouri is said to be a Midwestern state in today's society. Even though the locations of Kentucky and Missouri are relatively controversial nowadays, this is how they are typically described as according to the census.
Kentucky really does seem like a border state. They had the president of the Confederacy aswell as the Union born there; bless their hearts.
by Lemonade_m0uth06 September 7, 2020
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A border is a mexicain lad that escaped to America.
You stupid border upper go back to Mexico you Mexican drug dealer.
by border upper slayer April 28, 2023
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The Border Hoppers™️ is a friend group on discord with 6 people. If our chats were to get leaked i would not be writing this. (I’d be dead.)
“yo BORDER HOPPERS is the best friend group to ever exist”
I agree. The Border Hoppers™️ is the best friend group to exist”
by Spirit<3 July 4, 2023