An F-Boy is a pick me girl, but in a male version. F-Boy can also mean: Fanboy. Fanboys love to seek attention and get attention from females their age. They like to seem that they are a 'loner' or they have no 'friends' so they can get attention. They may come to you (If you are female) and beg in a discrete way for you to say they are 'handsome.'
Fanboy: "I'm so not handsome, i'm not like the other guys." Sigh
You (female or not): "No you are!" (That is what they want you to say, and they WILL fanboy over you if you are pretty in their view.)

F-Boys: Pick me girls but in male form, and attention seekers.
by mukbangnomnomnomgugugug November 2, 2022
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A boy who dates at least one girl for a bit of time, and then dates another girl without the other one knowing
Girl #1: Wow. Mauricio, Andrew, and Jacob are such F-boys. Mauricio dated Vanessa, Nicole, Ava, Quinn, Katherine, Natalie, Elizabeth, and Rachel in the same week.

Girl #2: Something very similar happened with Andrew. He dated Amanda, Brianna, Julia, Emma, Madison, Kassie, and Camila also in the same week.
Girl #3: Jacob dated Alice, Ashley, Miranda, Grace, Dee, Lillian, and Isabelle in the same week as well!
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Darian is the kind of girl you never want to meet. She is fake and will stab you in the back for nothing. She talks shit about everyone, even her closest friends. She's a user. Most of her friends are only kept around because of what they can do for her, what they can give, or for having something she wants. She's notoriously lazy. She's an awful person who would demand the shirt off your back and get angry and blow up on you if you have the audacity to say no. No is not a word she is accustomed to hearing. Darian is also poor, but likes to live a bougie lifestyle. If you have money, she will find a way to get you to pay for everything. Sometimes she will actually promise to pay you back. She never actually will though, and always conveniently remembers only owing 1/5 of what she owes. She's the daughter of a stripper, and it shows. She comes from a family of white trash hick addicts. It also shows. She's manipulative as hell and a pathological liar. She cheats on her boyfriends. She's a horrible friend. Don't let her get her claws into you or you'll never break free, at least not without some serious damage and heavy scars.
Darian (f)

Shit, Darian's calling. Wonder what she wants now. Hello? Darian, my grandma died yesterday. I can't drive you around and then do that huge thing for you that you will then take all the credit for. Wow Darian called me a bitch and hung up on me. Oh wow, now Darian is posting all over social media about how bad of a friend I am. And her fake friends and the guys that want to sleep with her are feeding into her bullshit. That's Darian, I guess. Happens all the time.
by January 1, 2022
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A term used by SOME minor gamers to describe a sad or confusing moment for the enemy team.
Gamer: Someone drop an F in the chat..
Minor Gamer: Nah man. I prefer, F-bag.
by Svifias March 12, 2019
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This is when i bash my head into the keyboard 3 times
hey if i dont get of the game my moms gonna bash my he- gtyt f j8y6uh gtyt f j8y6uh gtyt f j8y6uh gtyt f j8y6uh
by ǝuǝפ October 23, 2023
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An expression of true disgust, usually used when playing counter-strike.
Oh! F-Cakes! I died again!
by shuretyringtafiureitout April 3, 2009
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Little known secret, Donald Trump publicly told Boeing either you will have this program online by FY 2018. Or I will (and he has that authority) cancel the contract. Any other president would never have done this. Thus making the 45th president not as bad as everyone makes him out to be. I.E save the taxpayers money!
Son: Hey mom hey dad I need more this week I have a girlfriend. Son: hey mom hey dad I need more money I have a car today. Son: Hey mom hey dad I need a new scope for my hunting rifle so I can get a deer half a mile out the factory issue isn't doing it for me. Mom and Dad: what are you the F-35?
by stainless67 March 26, 2022
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