Being beaten up or Or knocked out in one punch basically means that you are getting beaten up absolutely destroyed in a fight can’t do anything back
I’m going to flog that faggot that Faggot needs to be flogged I’m going to flog him so bad
by Foodmcdonalldisnigger May 12, 2020
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Probably the best designer in the codgfx gfx community!
Wow! Did you see Flog's new header? Neither did I.
by Flogdzn July 12, 2016
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Someone who isnt very smart or good at Much
Yeah that new apprentice is a full on flog aye
by Saxaphonesalad October 8, 2021
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A Mechanical Engineer that likes to blow his own trumpet at every opportunity available. Believes everyone but himself is stupid, and has a hard time selling his product.
by mrwhoflungdung June 28, 2021
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to floor a car, or accelerate it to its limits.
volcanic: saw the SES bus today
me: so what'd you do?
volcanic: fuckn flogged it past them at 170
by QFRSSaddle August 1, 2022
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"Hey, flog. Nice Pokèmon shoes you fat cunt"
by Dr.AlanBeads July 4, 2020
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