When a player dribbles then stops, dribbles again then stops and dribbles again.
Player 1- hey bill just double dribbled!!
Player 2- yea I know he is going to get a foul!!
Player 1- then he might get fouled out!!
by Friends_star!! January 26, 2020
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An item one wears on the chin to catch all the bullshit spilling from his/her’s mouth.
“Better strap on that Dribble Catcher coz the shits dribbling down your chin again pal”
by Upyermamspoopshoot January 3, 2021
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When you dip your biscuit in a cup of tea for too long and you take it out, causing it to drip tea over the surface of your table. It then crumples in your hand before you can place it in your mouth, as you desperately try to move your mouth and hand to fit the biscuit in, but it's too late. Now you've got biscuit dribble all over you.
Mason: Daniel why do you look like a wet ape?
Daniel: I got biscuit dribble over me this morning.
Mason: Cool story bro.
by Senpai Ace September 6, 2015
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A fat cunt called Jack who hits his family members. Verbalist to all can't do simple tasks and eats alot of diabetic food. Hits his mum can't fight a man cuz he loses. Everytime he speaks he sound like Harvey P
by Txnzi July 2, 2022
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That bit of pee on your underwear after a leak.
What’s that spot on your underwear?

Babe, it’s just pp dribble. Y’know us guys don’t wipe…
by Lovevalentine_ October 26, 2022
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What happens when you pull your pants up too fast after going to the bathrooms
I just took a shit and I had a Major Air Dribble
by OrionJeremy March 1, 2019
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A child born from semen leaking from a woman's anal creampie into her vagina causing impregnation. Generally unplanned.

A dumb asshole presumed to be the offspring created through definition #1.

Someone who can't handle situations where drinking is involved because they have no self-control.
Person 1: Did you hear Erika got pregnant?
Person 2: I thought she only takes it up the ass?
Person 1: Yup...dribble baby, yo.

"Man, fuck John...fucking dribble baby."

"Did you invite Freddy? I hope not because that dude is a dribble baby."
by MiguelGrande December 16, 2020
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