An extremely large youtube community of over 11 million people. This community is the fanbase for the popular youtuber coryxkenshin. This community is also incredibly understanding of cory and is always patient whenever he needs to take a break. The Samurai are also extremely loyal to the channel as the majority of people in it have stayed subscribed.
"The samurai are an amazing community who are extremely kind."
by Hungrymann April 3, 2023
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A friend that seems to have your best intrests at heart but has samurai tendencies to back stab you and betray you, but is so skilled that you cannont even tell it is them!! dun dun dun
Linsey is such a fucking samurai panda!
by Rahnderson April 5, 2011
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A person who sucks on Asian penis due to their gag reflex being unable to handle any other race.
:Jeez Sandy has sucked off like 3 Asian guys this month!
:Dude, that’s cause she’s a samurai sword swallower.
by NutBuster97 January 18, 2018
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Once you have sex with an Asian girl for your first time you gain your Samurai Card.
Charlie:"Hey James remember that Asian girl at the bar ?"
James: "Yeah, did you get your samurai card?"
Nick: "You bet"
by Kangaroo Jack 6969 April 3, 2017
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A white alternative to Seppuku wherein one achieves an honorable death by going on a bender until they overdose on cocaine.
Ex 1:
"Yo Chad dishonored his family by crashing the F-150 extended cab. Word is he's gonna do a Miami Samurai rather than become a Bonin' Ronin."

Ex 2:

Friend 1: "Hey man! Carlos is doing a Miami Samurai this weekend, wanna tag along?"

Friend 2: "Sounds cool but wouldn't the momentary elation and euphoria be undermined by the morose undertones that the weekend will culminate in his death?"

Friend 1: "Yeah but he says the Coke's on him!"

Friend 2: "Oh, word"
by DickSenseDanger September 29, 2023
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A flipping hot samurai who loves dancing

...ok, it's a song. Sung by Gakupo.
Person: *dances their face off*
Gakupo: Good, my child. WE MUST ALL BE A DANCING SAMURAI!!!
by RandomNerdyTrash February 22, 2017
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Take on challenges without hesitation or fear of failure. Put forth superior effort where necessary to achieve more than you thought previously possible. Be a bad-ass, take no prisoners, and crush it all day
I was told it wasn't possible but the only thing buzzing through my heads were two simple words...samurai up.
by Curdlerz December 6, 2016
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