A chic that fucks or sucks or provides sexual favors for a higher position or status in the workplace.
She ain't nothin but a ladder hoe within her work community.
by rebelbug March 17, 2019
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Yo mo: how you gonna fuck that camel ?
Mo: Ima gonna borrow my father’s camel ladder that he uses to fuck giraffes.
by SukonMedick November 8, 2023
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If playing an online game and wonder if you lag, you start climbing up a ladder in the game, to see if you make it to the top or if you just keep on jumping from on top to on bottom.
Gamer#1: "Dude! I so shot that guy in the face, and it took him freakin' three second to die! Bajingless!"

Gamer#1's Online Buddy:"Do The Ladder Test. I see one right over there."
by TurnOnLamp September 24, 2010
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When a man with a Jacob’s ladder piercing stands on a bed and another person assumes the position of face down ass up on the floor, the man jumps off the bed and flys into the other person.
Hey Jamie I tried the Flying Ladder last night, I almost broke my dick but it was totally worth it.
by Rumpleforeskim September 28, 2022
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The most powerful definition lies either at the top or at the bottom.
If you are going to go to a DOMINANT DEFINITION LADDER you may want to SAVE THE BEST FOR LAST as the BOTTOM ONE is the TOP ONE to really FUCK WITH so to speak.
by INSERT CAREFULLY September 2, 2021
Similar to love handles. It's when one has so many love handles that it resembles more of a ladder going up their side.
Damn, Brian got so big it looks like he's got a ladder of love handles going up his side, looks more like a love ladder.
by PresBurrito April 25, 2011
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A child's hero worth mentioning
The person she talks about the most is her uncle jimmy ladder for bringing her doll to her for show and tell.
by Alienfiendblokbox June 17, 2022
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