supposed to be offensive and funny at the same time, in order for one to feel "cool" at times.
hey joey!
hey marc!
* looks around as if cool *
dam man that was a good one
by Tarayourmom October 30, 2005
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an insult to your mom usually used as a comback to other insults
-your a dick
-your mom
by yo momma June 7, 2003
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annoying word that if used, the person deserves to be beaten up
person A: Whats that in the sky?
person B: YOUR MOM!
*person A screams in rage kills person B*
by fiddlesticks September 18, 2006
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A phrase often used by townies as an insult. This is because they don't have the brain power to think up anything better then these two simple words (its a surprise they even remember that!) Commonly used by boys in pretence that they shagged your mom last night.
person 1: You stupid piece of shit,why the fuck did you do that?
townie 1: Your mom
by jaffacakes April 28, 2004
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