Hicks Underground Library is a place at Purdue University. From the outside it looks small but is actually quite large inside, much like the TARDIS from the show Doctor Who. Its is a popular place for students to go and study with friends.
Student 1: Have you ever been to Hicks Underground Library?

Student 2: What do you mean, 'have I been there'? I practically live in that place!
by That Guy from Purdue September 27, 2017
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When a programmer finds a programming library and proceeds to nut over it's capabilities and good documentation.
John, when your Library Rush ends, immediately start implementing it into the project, the deadline is Friday!
by ShadowJonathan August 5, 2019
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Grunts, moans, and sighs that sounds awkwardly similar to dropping a deuce, watching porn or even slow sex. Very common for the culprit to have headphones on and be unaware of their inappropriate library sounds.
Emma was studying diligently in the library when the sounds of a library grunter penetrated her eardrum making her geology homework nearly impossible to focus on.
by sexinpublicplaces February 11, 2011
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A book gifting program that mails free books to children from birth until they begin school in participating areas.
Imagination Library is the best.
by SPrice1980 April 24, 2022
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After hours and hours of reading from a textbook, with teeny tiny textbook text, your vision becomes blurry and one of your eyeballs keeps crossing and you can't stop it.
Signs of library googly eyes:

1. You walk by a cubical and see legs coming out from underneath the desk.
2. The person under the desk is napping.
3. You see a person attempting to type a paper with one eye closed. (drunk texting logic does not work in this state)
4. You make eye contact with a person, and their eyes are all googly and scary.
5. You see them trying to Google" how to rent a seeing eye dog for the walk home."
by K-E-dollar$ign-HA February 23, 2012
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An awful place where books are torn and service is awful.
Man the school library should be torn down to pieces.
by Chip squierrl October 27, 2018
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