A person who enjoys to talk and obsess about bands that they don't listen to. Tend to be Pre-teens, from 10-15. They only like the band for there looks or attitude. These people tend to be "wannabee" emo, punk, goth, etc. They also claim to not like labels yet say things like "I don't like to label people, but punks and goths are the best kind" or "I hate preps". Quite a few obsess over artists such as Avril Lavigne, Good Charlotte, Simple Plan, and Fallout Boy.
The teeny boppers are taking over the world with their cults worshipping their favorite band.
by Emilia Vonce March 6, 2007
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little girls from age 8 to 14 that pretty much walk around goin like o my god u r such a posor only becuase u two both wear the same sized shirt and who mixes up brands with bands and says stuff like "hey i saw that band volcom on mtv last night and o my god they are so punk giggle giggle giggle" and buy everything that is pink and black becuase it is how you say "so the rage" they go to aeropostle and buy little shirts with monkeys that say "rock on" or somethin like that and when u ask them to name a song of a band that they only say they like cuz they are "in" they name the most famous song becuase everybody knows that song like beetles yellow submerine for example...and but pink and black etnies and go around with wal-mart boards with pictures of spiderman on it they go to hot topic and buy hair spray and go hey my hair has spray in it i'm cool! and there im wallpaper is avril lavighn or however you spell it.
(teeny bopper walks in wal-mart) "like o my god look at that pink floyd t shirt they are totally cool, i think, cuz everybody else is wearin one so i better buy it"
by robert the3rd October 15, 2005
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the disorder caused by having a small penis where men will compensate with exessively large, fast, powerful, and/or highly modified vehicles (re: trucks, low riders; crotch rockets)
The cast of "The Fast and the Furious" suffers from teenie weenie syndrome.
by Keith June 22, 2004
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a girl that listens to the music they want to listen to, dress the way they want to, and online they talk the way that most expresses themselves. people think they are stupid little preppy wannabe freaks-i just am like "well, whatever because i dont care what you think about me!"
me: hey maggie, lets go to the mall with jake and sam after school!
maggie: ok cool that'll be fun
by penguinHOTTIEx4x4 February 4, 2005
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Asian people (usually males in their teens) who try to act cool by doing things such as smoking, dancing, and acting in a very asian gangster way. Some examples are the way they dress and their hair (very noticeable and hair is usually straightened then waxed with the classic gatsby). LAN gaming and dancing ,such as the Melbourne shuffle and c-walking, are also a major part of being an asian teeny bopper. Asian TB's also have to hang out in asian places so they are able to met with other asian tb's and so called "crews".
Guy 1: I was in line at Mcdonlads with this Asian Teeny bopper today, he started c-walking right in front of me.

Guy 2: Yeah, there are so many Asian TB's today, its really annoying.
by ESTFU October 10, 2008
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The nicknames given to idiots who jump around the locker room until their boxers fall down and their small dick is there for everyone to see. (helps if ur last name is sweeny)
by Maggie Loves Jon August 24, 2004
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