the bruising of the sphinkter as a result of getting fucked up the ass
Oh, Suzy, I know how you feel! Don't it make you brown eye blue when your honey fucks ya up the booty?
by none of your fucking business November 18, 2003
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Term for the eyes of a black woman used as a term of endearment. Because some people think black women have the most beautiful eyes in the world.
by Deep blue 2012 July 15, 2010
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Finishing off a Dirty Sanchez with a couple dabs above the eyes.

When you have left-over "paint" on you pud, put it to a new use.
At half time, Rex Ryan painted 'eye browns' on Mark Sanchez, to go with the Dirty Sanchez he had painted earlier.
by ducksawce January 24, 2011
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Is the fissure at the end of the alimentary aqueduct through which compacted refuse of digestion - turned to ordure - is excreted from the body. More commonly known as the… ASSHOLE or Anus…Also called the chocolate starfish or the rusty bullet hole.
"Hey Dude how is your Third eye brown?"

"Well if you must know it's pretty brown considering I just took a huge shit."

"Oh that's cool."

"Really? You think that's cool? See I think it would be a lot cooler if you'd buy some fucking toilet paper so I could wipe my third eye. It can't see shit!"

booty anus poohole bum rectum
by ECHOROCK November 30, 2011
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A combination of anal sex and putting your partner in a sleeper hold
I need an ice pack. Jeff gave me a lazy brown eye last night and I hit my head on the table
by Someguyingeorgia February 8, 2021
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It’s not government obstruction, or extraditable. The act of witch blends media’s of all nations
by Daily lama May 21, 2021
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Brown Goddamn Eyes stands for a person that has Brown Goddamn eyes It is used as a form of communication between people using there frustration but not using any Sensitive Language but to somewhat be funny in a way, well I think.
Person 1: You Brown Goddamn Eyes, I'll get you next time.
Person 2: Oh Damn he got some Brown Goddamn Eyes, You fucking missed a shot now we can't get dinner today fucker.
by ErUdone March 30, 2022
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