by scootaloo2502 September 4, 2021
was thought to be known as 'Cheeto Ball' bc he was too cheesy to realize that it was actually 'Chee Dau Bo'
Chee Dau Bo, you're so cheesy!
by Thy August 1, 2004
Go wash some of that frumunda-cheese off
by PENNY T. RATION March 20, 2023
An exclamation used to express intense joy and/or extreme intoxication. May be applicable in many various situations; (not excluding funerals and/or marriage ceremonies).
The exclamation is usually accompanied by a movement in which one extends one's arms above the head and performs a continuous rotation (rolling) of the wrists back and forth towards ones body while shouting "Chee Swaggy Faaaaadeeeed!" at a decibel level comparable to the sound of a passenger jet ascending from a landing strip.
The exclamation is usually accompanied by a movement in which one extends one's arms above the head and performs a continuous rotation (rolling) of the wrists back and forth towards ones body while shouting "Chee Swaggy Faaaaadeeeed!" at a decibel level comparable to the sound of a passenger jet ascending from a landing strip.
Gentleman I: Good heavens! We are quite lucky that police officer didn't find that excess of alcohol and rotting corpses we have hidden in the rear trunk!
Gentleman II: Quite "Cheeeeeeeeeee swaggy faaaaded" indeed!
Gentleman I: Quite so! My friend; indeed!
Adolescent boy I: How was your night man?
Adolescent boy II: We stuffed an elephant tusk up some guys ass, then we made him call his own ambulance in, hahaha.
Adolescent boy I: Chee swaggy faded, bro!
Gentleman II: Quite "Cheeeeeeeeeee swaggy faaaaded" indeed!
Gentleman I: Quite so! My friend; indeed!
Adolescent boy I: How was your night man?
Adolescent boy II: We stuffed an elephant tusk up some guys ass, then we made him call his own ambulance in, hahaha.
Adolescent boy I: Chee swaggy faded, bro!
by The Saucy Gentleman February 7, 2013
A word derived from queef and coochie, and is often said while trying to pronounce quiche (an awesome french food)?
by Missk1998 January 16, 2012
A big jerk who would blame his water bottle if he were to choke on his drink. Always makes up lies to fit in and is usually rejected by society. Is unloved by their family and needs vape to survive in this cruel world. Very terrible person. A bearer of this name is usually an annoying person in general.
by a-death-to-wish November 24, 2021