1. Used mainly by Albertans and people who hang out with them for extended periods of time. It is used almost as freely as the word "like" by the So Cal girls. Basically used whenever there is a pause, or inert moment when one does not know how to react to a comment, event, or everything that's anything. After repeated ridicule for the use of the phrase, Albertans are now also resorting to "That's Hilarious!" for a substitute. Note that this phrase can be used for anything.

2. A way Albertans have to make you feel like a totally average person, because they will say you're awesome, get your hopes up, and then also say that something as lame as Concordia is awesome as well.
-My dog died.
-That's Awesome!

-That's Hilarious!
-That's Awesome!
-That's Awesome!
by AwesomeDefinition December 29, 2005
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Awesome, but with ness.
"I made those awesome cookies for you honey" "Awesomeness!"
by elliot tippie June 11, 2005
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another word for cool,sweet or awesome.
person 1: I got shelby's phone number today

person 2: AWESOMNESS
by SUPER EMO#1 December 28, 2009
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the act of making more awesome; to compare awesomeness.
I am more awesomer. Being wierd is awesomer than being normal
by awesomer man February 1, 2011
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To excel in a competitive category of superiority.

To be liked by everyone and to be a constant conversational topic.

Loved by many and jealous by some but people still show compassion for you.

Someone who has generally an extensive ego but covers it up with subtle negative remarks.

Someone who has many friends but couldn't care less to remember half of them due to having a life.

Someone who puts the needs of others ahead of their own.

To value friendship more than materialistic things like money or video games.

Someone who will do whatever it takes to make somebody smile or laugh regardless of how stupid it may or may not be.
Look at that guy who spends all of his class time talking to a pretty girl... He is definately Awesome.
The person that made this is so Awesome they invented their own definition of Awesome!
by RiseAgainst91 October 19, 2010
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1.The state in which a person is close to, or equal to the essence that is Himemegami.
2.A state in which Himemegami recognizes you are awesome.
Shadala and Shuuna, you are awesome, BUT not as awesome as I.
by Shadala July 7, 2010
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