This is a Phrase for a party girl. Someone who puts up standards for others to meet. Most of the time these standards are for her friends.
She acts like such a Tiffany from Kappa!
by Kraazis February 27, 2021
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Fat, poor, and an ugly ass bitch. Nobody likes her. She lives in the sewers with her rats. She can never come out of the sewer because then the whole earth would explode because of how ugly, fat and poor she is
Tiffany da plant~ a fat poor ugly bitch
by ~someone September 4, 2019
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She couldn't possibly get any kinder or smarter. She can really pick apart situations and knows what to do most of the time. Acts like a mother, bestfriend, and sister all in one.
by zmile October 1, 2018
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An unstoppable duo, whose adventures consist of things including:
Giant moths
Male and Female Plugs
Echoing drum sets
Disgusting coffee from Denny's.
Drinking too much energy juice
Making each other go to dances/ ride horses
Calling each other sluts
Walking to the Snak Shak and getting shitty malts.
Being the best friends we can be to each other.
Dude, Tiffany Johnson and Nicki Candelaria are pretty fucking crazy when they're with each other!
by FrostbittenxEminence April 3, 2007
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is the most awsome most amazing friend i have =D
god i love yeah Tiffany Eats-Ur Phucking-Pancakes your amazing!!! - love trisha
by bubbleZZZZZZZZZ September 2, 2011
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An extremely sik person that is better than you will ever be.
That gurl must be a "Tiffany Nutt Johnson (T-Nutty)"(T-Nutty) she is just to damn cool for words she is out of this world!
by zodiefreak August 28, 2008
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