The SCP foundation is fictional writing community that mainly writes about fictional anomalous entities or objects.
the SCPS themselves are are seperated by code. Example: SCP-049
I loved that SCP Foundation post titled "SCP-173"
by yeetuslolus November 22, 2021
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it doesn't exist. never has, and never will. ̶i̶t̶ ̶d̶o̶e̶s̶ ̶a̶c̶t̶u̶a̶l̶l̶y̶ ̶e̶x̶i̶s̶t̶ the SCP Foundation is not real. ̶(̶D̶R̶ ̶B̶R̶I̶G̶H̶T̶ ̶S̶T̶O̶P̶ ̶M̶E̶S̶I̶N̶G̶ ̶W̶I̶T̶H̶ ̶T̶H̶I̶S̶ ̶D̶A̶M̶N̶I̶T̶)̶
person 1: hey what's an SCP??
person 2: a SC-what now??
by SCP-3NTHUS14ST June 5, 2022
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Men in black who contain anomalies
Person 1: I'm gonna work for the SCP foundation and die on my first day!
Person 2: Good 4 u
by Something, someone, IDK December 10, 2022
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The SCP foundation is a fictional foundation that was made when a game called SCP containment breach was released on steam ever since it has had such a large base like cos-players, keyboard warriors, tiktokers, gamers, etc. this base has also got discord servers one of them being "Site-37" a rp server created by a guy named "SpockMarine" on tiktok in an attempt to make friends, this server specifically is full of people that are hypocritical and have no knowledge of any military structure such as admins and mods becoming captains and generals immediately after making a character, most of the people have anime characters and love power play. Most of these guys are Nazi's and Wheraboos because they think its cool. The admins will ban you for the most famous reason that mee6 will tell you "Retarded" example below.
A: *person following rules and rping*
Kusan13: *Court martial's for war crimes even though SCP does not follow the Geneva convention*
A: *deals with it*
Kusan13 and others: *warns for arguing*
Kusan13 and others: *bans for no reason*
Kusan13 and others: *does the dumb thing by inviting a broken bot back that will not accept people in the server even though the owner wants more people*
by Zillo500 August 12, 2022
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An entity that is contained by the famous organization the SCP Foundation. This entity can range from a forever regeneration banana bowl to satan themself.
SCP-682 had breached containment. All evacuation shelters are to be filled with all non-combatant personnel on site.
by Dr. Buck May 27, 2022
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Your scrolling in youtube on your phone trying to find a interesting video. Then you find a video gameplay about a game called SCP SL (secert laboratory). You liked it really much and you got a idea in your mind about downloading it in your mobile phone. You search in the playstore for it and you did not find any game called SCP SL. Instead the first thing pops up is a game called SCP CS

Here where SCP CS comes in

CS stands for SCP classfied site and SCP stands for Secure Contian protect. Which you can find more info here on urban dictionary. Anyways you were confused that the game dose not show up in the play store due to that its for PC users only (SCP SL) while SCP CS is for mobile and iphones and its still not in pc yet. You started to downloading it and after finishing downloading it. You open the game and the first thing you see the Unity game engine and then ALOB games logo. The menu loads up with announcement board on your right. On the left you lv got a few buttons (play, account, settings, exit). Speaking of a accounts... Yes this game requires you to login using Google account or apple account or create a account in their game to accses some sort some skins and
some offcial server as I know. You hit play and another a few options appeared(find servers, start a server)

Now we have something important here to talk about which is the host button. You click on host and yet another options appear which are start a local server and get instructions which leads to a pdf download. Then you notice a warning saying that you need a dedicated machine to host a local server which means that you need a computer to host a server on the game. But why? : you have probably went into alot of multiplayer games and you always and always encounter ads everywhere and some transactions. They use these to earn money to pay to the servers which is by a compines who owns alot of computers. In SCP CS you need to use your own computer like a very tiny company to host a server then do the given instructions to get your server to the public

Now you go on find servers and a huge menu pops up with the list of all public server. You join one of these to see that your are specactor and you watching a random player from the a few teams. yes all of these teams that you can specatcate. You spawn as MTF or Chaos Insurgency with other people who can also use voice chat you head down to gate b or a in order to get the mission done and bla bla bla.

Created by ALOB games
Available on android, iPhone

Upload date: somewhere in june 2021

Based on SCPF

Size: 309 MB
by LB- February 16, 2022
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