Absloute rugby stud, who's a player on the field and on messages, close enough to dilf but younger. Australian term, if you want to hop on their long didgeridoo
' Omg you are such a dag'
' isn't Oliver such a dag with that mullet'
by kiddyfiddler696969696 May 15, 2022
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Absolute rugby stud, they are player not only on the pitch but on messengers, Australian term, especially if you want to hop on someone's didgeridoo
'omg he is such a dag'
'oliver is such a hot dag'
by kiddyfiddler696969696 May 15, 2022
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The end of a ciggarette that has less than a rag left. One-1.2223.1399 Unlike the nagging enlightening term "the kill"--meaning the one small stab in the back that leave you well ahead of the speaking sickness.

Not worse than missing a smoke break on a day that it didn't matter.
Hey man can I have the dag of that dag, yo?

No way man, you can have one tho. Here's the end of my dart"

Yeah "dawg", as long as I'll be well after.almost every smoke I have is for my wellness"

"Yup, np. the dag not bad at all" "¥:^)"
by dcaf!WaLL May 16, 2023
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Dag is a Swedish name and means day. However you english speaking people are pronuncing it, you do it wrong! A
DAG tends to be very smart and funny, they can always make you smile. They are very hard working and always do their best. A DAG makes a very good friend due to their interesting personalities, they do not like to much attention but will accept if you offer to make them a tiny birthday cake. I would recommend you to get a DAG as a friend, you will not regret it.
Hey! Have you invited anyone to join the party?

Yes, DAG will be coming!

OMG! I've always wanted to meet a DAG, they are such great people!

And they're tall too!!
by Hi there mate February 15, 2021
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Wow Dag you really know how to fold tents!
by Sheeparse September 2, 2018
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A synonym for darn, usually used by those from the caucus mountains.
by Daggggg May 30, 2018
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A word most appropriate for expressing disappointment, surprise, or simply when someone gets roasted
"Dag, can't believe she shot James Wein down."
by yeeeeeeeeetboi November 10, 2015
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