scrolling through all your contacts on your phone looking for some who might have any weed
Dude, we were out of weed so we all had to go weed raking to find someone with bud
by thebigcheifa November 3, 2011
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When you've had a sneaky joint and need to get rid of the smell by washing your hands, face and spraying deodorant all over yourself.
Paddy: "Need a sneaky J, look out for me dude"
Dan: 'No worries dude, just remember to dee-weed after"
Paddy: "Always do bro, we got any pizza left?"
by Drunken Bars June 16, 2020
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The process of ripping a page out of the Bible and rolling it into a blunt.
Did you see what Blake did at that party? Yeah man he must have smoked some holy weed.
by Ruen March 15, 2017
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A person that is cool but can get carried away when high kicks in
My friend was such an Holy Weed when he got drunk and nearly did his future
by quhfhjsbfkj June 11, 2020
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A person who consumes a massive amount of marijuana.
Quit being such a weed lush and drink a beer like a man.
by bdub152 May 22, 2013
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Adj- Not being able to tell how much time has passed while under the influence of marijuana.
Peter: Dude did you know how long i was cooking my fish for?

Ian: Nah man, i just smoked, im in weed-speed.
by WrathTheStampede March 30, 2011
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When your jacking off and you mess with your ball hair.
As Jimmy was jacking off, he found himself wacking the weeds
by pandaman6669 February 3, 2016
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