Someone who farts so much, their contribution to greenhouse gas raises the average temperature of Earth.
Gavin ate chili. He's going to be a global warmer for two days.
by Ham So Low November 5, 2022
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You’re so good at warming that spot on the beach that you might get a d1 scholarship.
Sir, we are here to inform you that you have been excepted into the university of Florida for you bench warming capabilities, and we want you to be our professional bench warmer.
by Kiwidude April 4, 2023
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Placing one's dong in between buttcheeks to warm that puppy up during the colder months.
Dale: It's so blustery out today!
Luke: I could really go for an Asbury Hot Dog Warmer.
Dale: I got you bro!
by Wagonwheel69 November 18, 2021
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A term used in baseball and softball usually targeted towards a person who sits on the dugout bench for most of the game, for any reason, aka "warming up" the bench.
Alex is the teams Bench warmer because he is unable to field a baseball.
by EvanOmNomz April 15, 2023
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When it is a very cold night and you masturbate underneath your bedsheets simultaneously keeping you warm during those freezing winter nights
Bob:I’m legitimately shivering in my bed.Guess I will need a winter warmer to fix it.
by Phatrus May 31, 2018
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The only way for the ear-canals to be massaged. Music underneath the surface in duration to arise to affect the world of hip.hop

apos.trophe, UrthTone, DJ Distrakt.
Passion for life. Exposed to new thoughts, while leaving your backround of attention caught in a glimmer of hope. Follow, we'll lead. Independent Tongue Warmers.
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