A stitch cake is an uncommon event that happens when you are eating, haven't swallowed your food yet, and you involuntarily (usually by a sneeze or laughing) hack up the chewed up parts. Named after the scene in Lilo And Stitch where Stitch regurgitates a cake he was told not to eat.
Dude, that scene was so funny, I coughed out a stitch cake.
by heccboi April 20, 2021
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Any job from Paul that looks one way on the surface, and then you start work and discover a plethora of oddities and road blocks that werent scoped
Fuck sake, another Paul Stitch Up.
by M0N74R0 August 29, 2023
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When a French bulldog farts aggressively into the mouth of a human.
Yo my dog did a dirty stitch last night while I was asleep!
by Dirtynathan69 September 14, 2021
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Female with a rank kooter.
Travis Avery still wanted that 15 year old Binky Stitch even after the whole town ran a train on her.
by veelooo September 2, 2009
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The timeframe right before financial institutions are about to "close the books". The time when you're not quite done, but not quite sure how much longer it's going to take to finish.
Boss: Are far along are you on closing your books?
You: Yeah, I'd say I'm stitching the spines right now.
by kj_tennessee February 17, 2021
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A sharp pain in the stomach area that can commonly occur to people doing physical activity, usually running.
Shaun doing a 5km run: 'Aww shit, got a stitch'
by bigboymcevoy November 19, 2020
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