being aggressive indirectly
Saying a smart remark or being sassy is an example of being passive aggressive.
by adamsbigtoe November 28, 2020
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To be forced into a situation where you have to interact with other human beings because your friend likes to socialise and you're along for the ride.
Passive Peopling/ To passively people:
To be in a social situation due to a friend where you are forced to interact with other human beings. Like passive smoking,you don't choose it but you have no choice but to absorb the residue.
by January 29, 2023
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A person who touts about his high-end purchases to others yet conveniently forgets to mention it was bought at a discount store.
Looks like Jenny fogot to remove the TJ Max 50% off tag from her new and "very very expensive" handbag.. she is so passive pompous.
by Buck-Swenson August 19, 2011
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A person influenced from external forces to have the latest fashion or accessory and then flaunting it.
That bloke is such a fkn passive tosser... He always has an ipod....
He is a passive "ipod" tosser!
by G Cody December 6, 2006
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When someone should be listening to what you are saying but they are mentally too busy thinking of what they want to say or are interrupting you to get their point across or jump ahead of you telling the story because they can't wait for you to finish. This causes them to ask a question about the thing you are talking about before you are able to get it out or ask about something you said but they missed because they aren't really listening. As opposed to an active listener who is genuinely interested in hearing what you are trying to tell them regarding an incident or a story or information.
You: So I told her don't be all up in my business because. ..
Them: So she left or stayed or what?

You: I'm trying to tell you what happened. Don't be such a passive listener.
by Wordy Smith March 21, 2015
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