A person that only likes a sports team because...
•it has their favorite player
•their friend(s) like that team
•they no nothing about the sport
J. That guy is terrible at football
H. I know
J. He doesn't know any of the rules or how to play
H. He only knows knows the Patriots because he is in love with Tom Brady's wife
by Yodleodles June 15, 2015
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when an nba fan is a fan of a specific player only, not the team. His/her loyalty stays true to said player, but jumps from team to team depending on where said player demands a trade to. They are considered a NBA bandwagon fan.
"Yeah man i've always been a lakers fan! That's my team!"

"Shut up man, you're just a Lebron fan. Stop being a NBA bandwagon fan."
by fanofthegameloveforthegame April 26, 2021
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Somebody who becomes celibate because other people are becoming celibate, the same way some people started fucking in high school because other people were fucking, rather than because they had an interest in the other person.
This bandwagon celibate guy holds nothing sacred, if a line forms for something else, he'll be standing in it once he gets bored with being celibate.
by Solid Mantis September 21, 2020
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Somebody who says that they hate something (usually related to musicians, movies, TV shows etc.) but has never actually seen or heard the aforementioned thing. They usually just read a bunch of other people's comments online and decide that they're going to feel that way now because everyone else does.
"Uh, Nickelback are literally the worst band ever. All their music is just generic"
"Dude, have you ever actually listened to any of their albums or songs?"
"Uh, no I haven't"
"Then you're being a bandwagon hater".
by OldMateSimmo November 23, 2022
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To reject popular culture, music, and ideas for attention, and the purpose of fitting in with non-conformists. Counter-bandwagoners often spend time in your face talking loudly about how "different" they are, and bashing popular musicians/celebrities. They usually don't know what they're talking about. Since non-conformists seem to make up half of the teenage population nowadays, in a way, counter-bandwagoners are actually conforming to socially acceptable ideas. Or at least they pretend to.

(In reality these people probably don't care about pop culture at all. And that's fine, but if you really don't give a shit, then act like you don't give a shit. Being true to yourself is a lot less annoying and makes you a lot more likeable to others.)
1.)Jessica: "FUCK MACKELMORE! I can't stand his annoying-ass music. he fucking sucks! I bet he doesnt even write his own stuff!"

Brandon: "Ugh, stop counter-bandwagoning. Some of his songs are pretty good, actually. He seems like a pretty nice dude. And yes, he does."
(good guy Brandon)

2.) Miley Cyrus is a good example of a counter-bandwagoner.
by everythingsawesomeallthetime August 30, 2013
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A viscous creature that loves to consume booty rocket wagons, it’s also one of the only predators of the wild oppressor hawk. The booty band wagon doesn’t die it just goes to the nearest ramp to rest on
I saw a booty bandwagon plow through an entire class that of retarded kids yesterday
by Captain Dr. dirtymike esquire February 19, 2019
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A delicious bandwagon is an incognito invitation for you to share "relations" with the speaker, allowing her to cheat.
by Jackie O.nastyass August 31, 2010
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