A bad event that causes the people to intentional do or avoid performing certain actions and or activities in order to reduce the risk of having the same or similar issue happen to them. Often times it may only affect the specific place and or area where the event happened.
The shark attack at the beach caused less people to go to the beach for weeks, because people didn’t want to risk getting attacked. It was a repelling event.
by Vanguard 1998 April 16, 2022
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a person who has hooked up with at least 3 members of a sorority
Wow, Jason is one fuck away from being a sisterhood event.
by ladybird321 April 23, 2020
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Noun. Anything that comes in the form of a phonr call or text. The receiver that is made aware of the significant event does not make any verbal reaction. Rather, upon receiveing the phone call/text, their face becomes nervous and is followed by a series of 2 to 7 twitches of the left eye. The person then proceeds to get their ass off the couch and takes action.
(text of significant event): Dude, sum grandpa jus jacked ur Camaro from outta ur driveway.

recipient: (Twitches, stutters, and bolts out the front door)
by Bake Em Away Toys November 13, 2010
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Based out of NJ, Shake Events is one of the best dj companies you can use for your wedding, hands down. They will make. You. Shake. (Dat butt) all night long. It will be the best, most memorable night of your life . No question 🙅🏼 ♀️ 💃💃💃
Damn that the best wedding I’ve ever been to last night, they must have used Shake Events
by Mikeydeks November 23, 2021
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An act in which one plans to attend several parties or social events without the intention of staying for long. Usually, one takes advantage of any combination of free drugs, alcohol, swagger, or information and leaves quickly afterwards.
George: "Hey, bro, what are you doing tonight?"

Jordan: "I dunno I heard there is a fashion expo and three parties tonight."

George: "Which will you attend"

Jordan: "I am tryna get my drank on, so I might just go event-tasting"
by J Blagh October 15, 2011
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n. the moment, typically with a toddler or small child, where all manic energy has been expended and seconds remain before a tantrum or nap occurs
Kid: "No thank you. I'm too tired for candy."
Mom: "Oh my, you've reached your exhaustion event horizon. Let's get you to bed."
by FoxHart October 20, 2010
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excuse used originally by a discord user called ''bleta'', used to cover brad phrasing.
Muffin, that was 2 isolated events!
by gabychiku May 18, 2019
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