Drawn from the mass suicide of 914 followers of cult leader Jim Jones in 1978 by drinking Flavor-Aid laced with cyanide (known as the "Jonestown Massacre"). Someone who "Drank the Kool-Aid" has so bought into their leader's vision or cause they will blindly follow to their own doom.
Other companies adapted and were successful. However, James continued to believe his bosses were right not to adapt--even after the company had to file for bankruptcy. James really "drank the Kool-Aid".
by Kevin November 11, 2004
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A product of the Richardsons Farms
"Mannn I want some GDM!"
"K, ill go grab it from ma fridge!"

"Wanna grab me some grape drank milk?"
by jubejuber May 11, 2010
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Term that refers to how drinking enough can make someone else appear more attractive than they really are.
"Dayum, that chick over there looks nasty. I guess I drank her cute last night."
by blabbermouth141 July 11, 2009
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- a cheap date
"Abby has had two beers and is wasted... That my friends is a two drank skank!"
by Two Drank Skank May 11, 2015
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Sudden bravery, getting macho around a group of people
Mario musta drank a can of man, he told them people off
by ricog August 28, 2005
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The act of farting in a jar and then putting it in a freezer, turning it into a solid. Then you have a friend (or anyone) over to your house and then you offer them some water. Instead of putting ice in the water, you put your fart in. This causes them to drink your fart, and their drink will smell really bad.
Carl: Dude, this water smells like shit. What's wrong with it?
Tyler: You just got Montana Stanky Dranked!
by Dirty Goolash October 30, 2009
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The mental state where one has officially drank enough alcohol to be considered on an equivalent level with a retard. Typical symptoms include loss of ability to speak, hear, or perform basic life sustaining tasks. In order to determine the number of drinks one must consume to qualify for the status of drinking himself retarded a simple formula can be used:
Take the number of hours since you have started drinking and multiply it by the IQ of a retard that you personally know (This number normally ranges from 4 - 27). In rare cases retards with down syndrome have a higher IQ. However drinking has not been shown to force the development of an extra 21st chromosome (the cause of down syndrome) and for this reason their IQs are not acceptable for the equation.

Recap: Drinking Yourself Retarded = (# hours since you started drinking) x (IQ of a retard you personally know)
This will equal the number of drinks you need to have consumed at any given time to be considered officially retarded.

Ironically this equation works in an inverse manner. If the retard you personally know is only slightly retarded (IQ in upper 20's) then you will drink yourself to severe retardation using the formula. If the person you know is a full blown retard (IQ around 6) then you will drink yourself to the level of only slight retardation.
Look at Chino, he is showing no facial expressions, drooling on himself, pissed his pants, and cant seem to make basic complete sentences. I think he must have drank himself retarded.

Dude, Dan shit his pants, is speaking incoherently, and is trying to argue with a bar stool. He has drank himself retarded.
by OJ Da Juiceman10 June 21, 2009
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