A person that drives a round looking to pick up a person to fulfil his next thrill..weather it be drugs, alcohol, sexual , ..unfortunately it can also lead to worse situations kiddnapping ,torture, murder.
Friend: When i was walking to your house , a srranger pulled up and asked if i needed a ride.
Me: Good thing you didnt that was a predatory cruiser.
by Hypnotikeyez December 12, 2018
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You turnin up in a party bus.

James :what did you do

Joe :took a party bus and partied looser cruiser style
That is one looser cruiser
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When you urinate out of a moving vehicle while it is in motion, while you are inside of said vehicle.
John's gonna be late, he got pulled over 'cause he pulled a Cleveland Cruiser.
by Leslothegreat August 2, 2023
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A Unique Travel site which deals in Travel, Planning, Cultural tips and Experience. Destination and Travel Safety Information. Designed to inspire your travel by stimulating curiosity and answering your questions.
Cruisers Almanac is the most informative Travel Site on the internet.
by Cruisers Almanac December 12, 2018
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A car that is a piece of shit.
Here comes Fred Sanford in his doodoo cruiser...
by GeneralDD214 November 1, 2011
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Steph cruisers are another form of saying, wow don't get on that piece of wood with four wheels. You are a hazard to all and to all a good nide. You don't want to be seen skating with a Steph Cruiser in haddonfield, or anywhere on that note. Steph cruisers will usually trip,fall,plummit,crash,burn,bury,and fall into a deep trance during a skate session, or just crusing down the sidewalk. Many people have witnessed people like this in their lifetime, but few have seen the actual steph cruiser in action. It's not a rare sight, but it never gets old. Steph cruisers tend to fall on cracks in sidwalks, speedbumps, acorns, appricots, pinecones, invisible force fields, the wind blowing against her, and most of all when Bill walks and shakes the ground. BEWARE OF THE STEPH. Results may vary
Did you see that Steph Cruiser, she crashed harder than maxim off the grand canyon.
by taylor A k January 11, 2008
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Anything that a lame person does , says, or has that applies to cars
person 1: “I’m gonna do a donut in this parking lot”

person 2: “no don’t! that’s dangerous”
person 1: “you’re such a cruiser loser!”


“you have a ford fiesta? man you’re a cruiser loser”
by cruiserloser June 11, 2023
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