Originally used from Snapcube, Za warudo is a sign of power being transported from you eyes to you mind creating a power.
by IE AAAAAAAAA- December 14, 2020
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Za Warudo (Or The World) is what you shout before stopping time and throwing sharp objects at your opponents,.
Bob then proceeds to throw various knives towards Michael, without him realizing.
by Makires July 24, 2017
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Telling your stand the world to stop time
Said by dio in jjba
by Mythic234 March 13, 2021
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Effect of the ability "evolved bomb" in Kirby and the forgor💀 land, makes the poyo obtain DIO's stand and practically exploding his enemies but during the time stop so they don't feel the damage up until time resumes, pretty OP
"Hey what da poyo doin?"
"Idk what is he.... OMG he has an evolved bomb someone stop him!"
Kirby:" POYO! (za warudo!)"
*time stops*
*everyone proceeds to explode*
Kirby:" Poyo...(toki wa ugokides..)"
*time resumes*
*everyone ded*
by Dankest_Josuke April 4, 2022
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An overused sentence that hardcore insane JoJo fans use 24/7
"Why did time stop?"
by Dr. Dickman August 20, 2022
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Name of the coolest group of people. There is 6 of them and they cook dinner every now and then.They rate dinners and drink alcohol. Every one wants to be them.
Yo, should we do "vecera za 6" tonight?

See those guys over there,they are so cool like "vecera za 6".
by Patatheduck January 23, 2023
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