A group of 3 friends, it's able to expand into a Leo qaudrio or even a Leo pride depending how many Leos are with them at the time. Usually close friends who have complete banter and can do random shit together. All crazy in there own ways with ways to make each other laugh.
Guy 1: "Dude those people tackled over that man"

Guy 2? "that's the Leo trio for you"

"dude those people are so wasted and dressed as lions, meh Leo pride for you"
by leopridon October 16, 2013
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consuming back-to-back-to-back shots of Rumplemintz, Jagermeister and Goldschlager
Wow, last night I took a rusty trio and I have been hungover for 24 hours!
by .boji June 1, 2011
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idiots, transplants, and bubbas all living together as one
Guy 1: Hey I was thinkin about heading to Cape Carteret this weekend, what do you think?
Guy 2: Why in the name of ever-loving fuck would you go the the epicenter of the north carolina trio of the damned.
by jennitayla69 March 20, 2021
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olivia neill, kate elisabeth and flossie. that’s it :)
did you see olivia, kate and flossie’s collab theyre the iconic uk trio i never knew i needed
by tiktok?¿ December 9, 2019
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it’s obviously Fallan, Sofia, and Faith, They’re the most iconic trio ever 😏
by Smexy 😏 April 26, 2021
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Fallan, Sofia, and Faith are obviously the most Iconic Trio! 😏
by Smexy 😏 April 26, 2021
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A group of three people who vibe insanely together. Every time they meet or spend time together, iconic things are bound to happen.
Friend A to Friend B&C: “woah, last night was a movie”
Friend B: “actually, every time we meet we have a great time!”
Friend C: “That’s because we are an iconic trio!”
by Stuntgirl11 August 13, 2020
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