Using a pice of bologna you eat out the eyes mouth and nose and strap it to your face. Go down on a lady on her period. And after you’re done you make her eat that piece of bologna off your face.
Dude I just gave Karen the nastiest Texas chainsaw massacre!!
by Poopdick222!! May 22, 2019
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When machine gun farts go too far and one shits his pants in a rhythmic and poetic barrage of farts and turds that tears open one’s butthole.
After that burrito, I had machine gun farts that evolved into a bad case of Chainsaw Shits. But you know what they say, never trust a fart... it’s just an asshole talking shit.
by Neighty1 June 28, 2019
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The act of taking 20 naked hoes lives with an orange husqvarna chainsaw
Person 1: dude did you go to brian’s chainsaw party last night, it was awesome. Person 2: Nah I didn’t go but i gotta be there next time.
by Juggadoo May 17, 2023
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...... hey hey anal chainsaw
by boobaga August 5, 2017
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an individual who is sucking at a boob that is very spikey and milk contains litteral steel
person1: hey look at dem spikey steel boobs!

bob: man i wanna suck them like a chainsaw boob nibbler
by neonon December 28, 2022
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Construction method that is often amateur in nature and generally performed with minimal measuring and little attention to aesthetics. Ideal for situations where speed and functionality are more important than appearance.
I'm no cabinet maker, but I'm pretty decent when it comes to chainsaw carpentry.
by Saikotik Gunman July 18, 2008
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Bartender: “What can I get you?”
You: “Can I get a Texas Chainsaw”
by Kyn&tonic February 4, 2022
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