Everybody's best friend. She always picks up when you call her on Skype and she can be a bit quiet in text chats, but you know you love her.
Skype Test Call: After the beep, please record a message.
Bob: Omigodz. Carsilly is a Seb!
Skype Test Call: Omigodz! Carsilly is a Seb!
by Jacksonnn July 30, 2008
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Similar to drunk dialing, only instead of calling somebody on the phone when you're hammered, you call them on skype
Joe got totally wasted last night and started drunk skyping all his friends, it was so annoying!
by budgiejen May 4, 2010
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first, you sign into Skype and video call your friend. both people pack a bowl and smoke. this is awesome because it sucks when you're separated from your friends and you miss hanging out with them. there is no better way to catch up than skype chiefing.
we started skype chiefing when we all left for different colleges.
by mookey :) January 16, 2011
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when two or more people have a video conference call on programs such as skype or oovoo and eat pizza
Today is two times Tuesday at Domino's, guys. Let's have a skype pizza party.
by quiznoes February 3, 2011
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also known as: skype it up

a way of saying call me but over skype
John: "Hey dude when you get home get online and skype me up."

Greg: "I told you theres something wrong with my internet, why don't you skype me up?"
by abcde990 January 5, 2011
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Used to describe a person who, unfortunately, can usually be found making strange, exaggerated faces at any moment in time. The perfect type of friend for people who love taking embarrassing skype pictures.
I just got the BEST (most embarrassing) PICTURE OF YOU EVER! You are so skype-pic-able.
by abcrstlmnx September 4, 2011
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v. The act of Skyping with three or more people.
Sheila: Hey, this Skyping is boring.

Jackie: If we brought Brian into it, we could have a menage a Skype.
by newwordsforfun315 December 19, 2011
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