Saying "Dear John" singnifies your a bitch who would leave John for litterally no reason, when you could have just explained your situation, leaving both you and "John" separate from the one you love for the rest of your lives.
by Godddddamng it November 30, 2021
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very formal way to say hi when you write a cover letter applying for a job
Dear Sir/Madam,

I am an art director/designer and I am creative in all the areas of web, logo and mobile design and I am contacting you about a Freelance Designer job that is available.
by trofimar November 14, 2013
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where some snatch gets too pissed to care about having a spitroast, and replys with this
Leanne- " Oh dear, can i join in? "
Danny- " Yeh Want a Spitroast?"
Leanne " Oh Dear Spitroast"
by Chambzz123 August 29, 2008
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A cover group of Hey! Say! JUMP that consists of 8 online friends from various countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia, Japan and Philippines.
Have you listen to the new cover by Dear 9?
Yes! It is very good~
by tian ella January 1, 2021
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1. n.
The best group in the history of groups. The very groupest of groups. If you wanna get grouped up, you gotta group with the group group.

3. adj.
A word to describe the kind of group that occasionally gets pizza on some Fridays.

4. v.
When you group too much and now you gotta do more grouping.
Bruh, I need a group
Have you tried Dearing Group?
Not yet bruh

You guys Dearing Grouped yet?
Nah, dave, we still grouping.

Yo, anyone wanna get pizza rn since it's Friday and we haven't done pizza in like 6 weeks?
Hell yeah you little fucking moron! I love that we're a Dearing Group friend group!
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A non-religious, agnostic, atheist-friendly way of expressing "Dear God" or "Dear Lord".
Dear Universe, we need to leave!

Dear Universe, I beg you that we don't have to work today.

Dear Universe, wtf is happening?!
by LingDanc803 September 19, 2023
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