When the temperature is very hot. Commonly used in southeastern Virginia.
Ex: “Hell nah it’s crisp outside I’m not going”
by V-A July 23, 2021
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Crisp deriving from Crispy or Crispé in Latin is a word used to describe a refreshing situation or experiencing something good
For example a person finds a ten sheet in a pair of jeans they haven’t worn in weeks “ah crisp, I’ve just found a tenner in my jeans mate”

Another example, “this your new car? That’s fucking crisp mate!”

An absolute 10/10 with an incredible amount of curvature, ass and babylons walks past “maaaaaate she was criiiiisp!”
by The Chairman Geoff Bentley February 7, 2020
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Crisp deriving from Crispy or Crispé is a word used to describe a refreshing situation or experiencing something good
For example a person finds a ten sheet in a pair of jeans they haven’t worn in weeks “ah crisp, I’ve just found a tenner in my jeans mate”

Another example, “this your new car? That’s fucking crisp mate!”

A hot girl walks by “ahhh mate she was criiiiisp!!!”
by The Chairman Geoff Bentley February 7, 2020
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Crisp, a tiny creature that eats crisp

If a pack of crisp is left open over night it is most likely that crisp will eat it
"Hey! Who ate the rest of my crisp I was going to finish them ."
"The crisp probably ate them"
by I cant stop eating January 25, 2019
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Maggie Gyllenhal was so crisp, her friends stopped talking to her.
by Deraj Hunan September 21, 2022
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Crisp is a phrase to describe a generally crispy person, who sparks up the conversation with sparkling banter
"She's such a Crisp!"
by The Staßfort March 23, 2018
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clean cut. someone who is really tan with white converse. a black person with very white teeth. a tan person with really green eyes. girls in pastels. someone lands a trick with ease.
kanye west at his all white party was so crisp
by hoopinfroodle February 11, 2016
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