It is a famous saying of a Mathematics teacher in La Salle College, Hong Kong. He used it to express his dissatisfaction on students who packed their school bags before the bell even rings. In normal conditions, it can be used to question someone who is going away to obviously nowhere for the purpose of avoiding something deliberately.
30 secs till bell rings, random student packs his bag.
Teacher: are you going to the moon?
by oqwidflksdfhs December 19, 2022
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a term used when you have alot of bitcoin.
person 1: my friend has so much bitcoin that he went to the moon!
person 2: when is he coming back?
person 1:its a term used when you have alot of bitcoin.
person 2: ohhhhhhh... now i get it!
by zazazzzazaazazaza November 9, 2020
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1. (dated) Somewhere far away.
2 (crypto/stocks) A stock which is rapidly increasing in value.
1. Where did Juan go? To the moon.
2 Dude! Nokia stock just went too the moon!
by RideThatCymbal November 11, 2021
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Dogecoin's next stop before it goes to Mars.
Don't have paper hands, hold your Dogecoin, it will rise to the Moon!
by NeonTurtle February 7, 2021
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