a whipped cheeto is non of your damn buisness okay.
Your a whipped cheeto even tho idk what it means.
by adamnpersonokay November 20, 2017
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A whipped cheeto is non of your damn buisness
Your a whipped cheeto even tho idk what it means
by adamnpersonokay November 20, 2017
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When someone is so absolutely enamored another person that they’d do anything for them
Person A: He got me roses and a necklace to ask me out and he told me he’s been planning it for months
Person B: he’s so down atrocious whipped cream on pie
by auroralotus December 4, 2022
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Friend 1: So what were you doing last night?
Friend 2: Oh I was just whipping my nae nae

I love whipping nae nae
by A Simple Name November 21, 2019
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Friend 1: So what were you doing last night?
Friend 2: Oh I was just whipping my nae nae

I love whipping nae nae
by A Simple Name November 21, 2019
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When he flicks his tongue on the girls vagina
“Girl I started moaning when he tongue whip my vagina hard”
by Babymommadrama314159 June 1, 2018
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One during the act of fisting whips during the action. Whether with the hand located in the interior of their desired target or their free hand.
Some dude I was playing with on fortnite said and I quote " you fucking suck I bet your dad was fist whipping your mom before she had you" I said yeet and left the party.

"Generation Z Kid" - 2018
by YungSpitFire2018AkaWhipKing September 25, 2018
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