The Devils Gate Keeper: This is the cross between constipation and sketchy food decisions. You are alerted to this phenomenon by gut wrenching twisting pain in your lower abdomen. The kind of pain that makes you want to curl up in a ball and die. This pain is usually associated with the explosive diarrhea which follows a long night of light beer and Taco Bell. The difference is once you finally crawl to the toilet because it hurts too much to stand, you are not greeted with violent relief. Instead the pain continues as you strain and push with the force to cause a brain hemorrhage until you are finally able to pop the cork of despair. Once this happens you almost die as you feel your soul exit your body via your ass.
So I’m a little bit dehydrated and had ten day old leftover chicken gumbo for lunch yesterday, which caused me to battle the devils gate keeper this morning.
by Pedro11111 April 11, 2019
by Theproblem November 18, 2022
by GINGERSNAP2018 October 28, 2018
If this is a simulation, zookeepers are the agents in the matrix. They keep you in a cage, complacent with the scraps you're given, deterring you from discovering your true self.
by Darwin800 August 16, 2024
The photo keeper is someone who keeps all the photos of friendship groups on their phone in an album, also could be edits.
by J_Dxvils March 15, 2021
by J_Dxvils March 15, 2021
A person who continuously responds back to a murder or shooting. The score board will be the number of deaths(bodies) the person has.
John Doe is such a good score keeper. Hes always shooting back at those people. I think hes up 10-1 on the score board.
by NotoriousBigB March 21, 2021