A Person Who Would Most Likley Live In Virginia And Wears All black Clothes To Show He Is depressed And doesent Have Much Friends
by Urban Dictionary.con November 17, 2018
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Sarah:OMG have you heard about orlando?
he has the biggest dick I have ever seen!
by augghhhh69aughhhh69 June 3, 2022
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A true broski who is handsome and the best guy you will ever meet and he’s strong 💪 he’s amazing , a great name and a gangsta 😎
by John hurkle December 11, 2019
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Perm boy mexican who can't shoot threes 3 in basketbal
"How did he miss that?" It's Orlando what do you expect!
by aflkfjsaklfsafsaf December 3, 2021
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Orlando's chin stabs me from ten metres away. His chin is fucking huge.
by Posayslayer9000 August 15, 2023
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Lightskin boys bearing this name are good looking, cute, passionate and sexy and often posses abilities or have hobbies like skateboarding, professional video editing or streaming. Besides those traits though, they are really into crossdressing (most often in maid outfits).
A: Hey dude you hear that a new guy's coming to our class? Orlando or smth.
B: Lmao, Orlando?

A: Yeah exactly lol! You know what they say about Orlandos, right?
A and B together: They're really hot crossdressers!
A: Man I hope I can start smth with him, I've always dreamt about fucking a sissy
by LandoFan42069 February 24, 2019
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He is the most sweet boy you could ever meet. He claims to be the “hot boy” in school and all the girls drool over him. If you come across and Orlando make sure you shoot your shot and go up to him and ask him out. He even has a big cock
Girl 1: Omg is that orlando, he’s so hot

Girl 2: I heard he has a big cock

Girl 1: I need to ask him out
by June 16, 2021
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