Worse than noob
Plural: Plebians
by Yoiboi June 8, 2017
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A common person who is slightly below average in everything he/she does except worshipping the devil.
Why don’t you hurry up and leave faster pleb!
by POWERBUNNY1296 May 24, 2018
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A pleb: Someone who chooses Fortnite over Minecraft
''You pleb''
by Candleliqht August 4, 2019
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Bowen is a pleb everyone hates him and he plays yugio in 6th grade
by Lilwboy June 2, 2017
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1) A very retarded being.
2) A very good TV show
3)Someone called Lee
Omg Lee is such a pleb
by LargelyAdam May 9, 2020
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