When that one guy keeps trying to talk and flirt with you but it’s actually annoying. You don’t even really want to be friends but you are a good person so you friendzone him through a definition in “Urban Dictionary”.
Adin : text me
Makayla : actually you should leave me alone cuz I literally don’t like you at all. Friendzone :)
by FrankieIsAKoolKat November 6, 2019
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Otherwise known as the playzone. Where toddlers play in malls, and where fuckboys go when they don't get to date a girl.
I sent that fuckboy to the friendzone.
by femi, March 4, 2015
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An insult used by females, telling their simps to be gay or a virgin forever.
Guy: Will you marry me?
Girl: Fuck off, and get friendzoned, you fucking gay virgin.
Guy: NNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by Karma will get you! March 31, 2022
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When you are a DDurz and get no women
Bro your luck is so horrible, you are pulling a Ddurz style Friendzone like every night.
by Duhflame October 11, 2023
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What u r. Im sry :(
Me: She told me she wanted to be friends
You: Yeah you have been friendzoned
by Dingy Ging Indian March 27, 2022
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This is a totally made up thing people have made so that they can be mad or manipulate someone into going out to a date with them out of pity, for example:
Bob(overweight and doesn't care for himself): wow Becky i love you, do you love me?

Becky(a 10/10 girl) no we should be friends.
Bob: wow so rude, you friendzoned me? So rude. I was always so nice to you
Becky: how about you take care of yourself and make a person out of yourself before dating someone cause "being nice" won't land you some bitches.

Bob then goes into 4chan, reddit, or twitter to complain about this.
by BigDogBigNut~Lamar from gtav November 25, 2020
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A word used to describe the scene when feelings of sexual desire are not replicated by the other party
‘Matt is still crying over the whole friendzone thing with Ayesha?’

by Mattisfriendzoned March 17, 2019
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