love cushions are lips
i would like to plant a smacker on angelinas love cushions
by clintonw202 November 29, 2008
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When you creampie a girl and then sit on her to push it all out.
Bro me and my girl were going at it right? Then she asks for the soggy whoopie cushion. Long story short it was a lot of cleanup.
by Burgerman306 June 3, 2021
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Knowing they like to be a "Pillow Princess". They still have enough energy to give a little back.
She's not a pillow princess, she's more of like a cushion princess.
by Kyattodaddo April 22, 2022
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Used in dirt track racing.

Used to describe someone who is racing their car on the top lane.
Dude, Brian Malcom was pushin’ the cushion last night at the track.
by Apoll0_ March 21, 2020
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1)A person, usually a female, that is both very poor and has sex with people free of charge.
Usually attaches themselves to their partner’s place of residence and returns the favor in sexual ways (because they are too poor to repay in money).

2)A variation of gutter whore
Guy 1: Man you look like crap, whats going on
Guy 2: I met a gutter cushion at the coffee house the other day she stayed with me a few days and was amazing in bed until I found out that she was gone along with my rent money.
by Mr. December January 29, 2008
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A pillow normally used to sleep on that is used under ones behind to make sitting more comfortable.
Why is my pillow being used as an Ass Cushion?
by Ms. Wrong Generation August 3, 2010
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A large (or small) ball of dough creating a 1:1:1:1 mixture of crisco, whole wheat flour, sugar, and borax, designed to poison cockroaches through dehydration.
Hank: “Dude, what is this giant glob of

dough sitting on your counter?”
Leroy: “Oh, that’s just a Bump Cushion I

made this morning.”
by SmallBoyJohnson October 13, 2019
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