Similar to baseball, when a large baseball bat size cock tries to insert in a tight pussy and it taps it because it can't fit in
My 12 thick cock had to cunt bunt this bitch because her pussy was glued shut
by Crotch pheasant April 25, 2017
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Similar to a bunt in baseball
When a male ejaculates on his hand and slaps someone with his penis.
Male -I'm gonna cum
Female-Cunt bunt on me
Male-okay *continues to cum on his penis and slaps her on the face*
by Bigdaddyboy March 2, 2021
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The type of person who doesn’t give a fuck. She puts tampons in her belly button and judges you because she’s “iN tHe CoMfOrT oF hEr OwN hOmE.”

She’ll also rub dog’s nipples and call them soft, on top of rubbing the area in which dog’s balls are supposed to be but were previously removed.
Megan, you Cunt Bunt! Quit pubeing on the avocado!
by iM nOt Ur FaMiLy May 26, 2019
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"bunting" is a slang term for injecting drugs. The term is commonly used in Melbourne, Australia.
"poor old Joey died bunting smack and eating Xanax"
by CerealTablet September 25, 2020
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When you fuck a large women in her belly button rather than in her cunt.

B-elly + C-unt= Bunt...
by Papabear79 April 2, 2018
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Bunting: a short stroke, aka just the tip.
Desmond wanted to go balls to the wall but because he is a gentleman he was bunting instead.
by Foreskin Mc Adams June 30, 2020
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