The smell that arises when one has not washed their genitalia for some time.
Hey Ross, does this bus smell like a blooming flower or what?
by undercoverunicornreal April 24, 2020
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The Bloom is a very rare crystal flower encased in a blue orb. If in possession of, you will be granted eternal happiness and luck for the rest of your life. Only issue is that it is very difficult to obtain. The Bloom will only be found on June 3rd in the first water aven that blooms and that water aven needs to be the first flower to bloom in the world. Only then you are able to extract The Bloom and be happy with everything.

Sweaty Explorer: I am very sad, I can't find The Bloom

That one other guy: Don't worry Sweaty Explorer Man, I'll find it.
by GoodOlAmbientBoy February 24, 2023
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a shitty town where there isn’t anything to do. Overrunned by red necks and fake thugs
Have you been to blooming grove highschool
by heaibsisbsb October 14, 2021
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When a male furry performs a pretzel maneuver with his legs behind his head and a hole in his suit, thus exposing his anus.
He reached the state of full bloom, and everyone could only watch in horror.
by ThatCrazyPotato July 18, 2021
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A god, someone who knows exactly what to do instantly. Treats people with such care and doesn't take anything for granted.
"I met Bloom yesterday"

by dum9328 May 24, 2021
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1. An extremely common post processing effect in games that makes it possible for bright geometry to appear to glow and contribute lense flare. Not to be confused with lense flare or volumetric lighting.

2. A term Fortnite players and other retards use to describe when the spread/inaccuracy of a weapons increases as you shoot it. Otherwise may be referred to as (per) shot spread increase or sustained fire accuracy penalties. Also used by turbo retards who aren't even using the term right to describe spread/innacucuracy instead of it's progressive increase, and in games where the spread/inaccuracy does not change when fired.
You can turn off the bloom in the graphics settings, but then the mushrooms won't glow anymore.

They need to get rid of the fucking RNG bloom on this gun.
by Hamiel April 18, 2022
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