2 definitions by undercoverunicornreal

The day of breath. Originated in the UK close to a bathroom facility in Victoria Park, London, by several pioneers looking for a resting place where they could relax, or, as they described it, calm their breath. Written in one of the pioneer's journals is the following text:

"Oh but how tired my breath is, for I haven't eaten nor drinken in days or perhaps longer... We settled along a grassy knoll, with some bathroom facilities nearstby, to calm our breath in hopes of gaining the strength to proceed along this journey."

This day is usually celebrated among friends, with special emphasis on celebrating monarchies of all kinds, hanging bunting, drinking alcohol, and playing jovial games.
Dude, are you going to Nancy's j00b celebration? I hear it's gonna be relaxing.
by undercoverunicornreal June 1, 2022
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The smell that arises when one has not washed their genitalia for some time.
Hey Ross, does this bus smell like a blooming flower or what?
by undercoverunicornreal April 24, 2020
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