A text message that is wrought with grammatical inaccuracies.
Mumble Text- "Mumbs u mudda bee legit edjumacator, took exact tutelage..."
by Robgamblejasonmcmanus December 8, 2020
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A.k.a. "text-snatch" or "text-capture"; it refers to a nifty-thrifty "quick fingers" maneuver to permit da viewing of an online news-article for free when da page's host wants you to pay for da privilege of reading said content. You know da scenario --- ya start out to read an interesting write-up on some recent event or research-revelation, only to have da page abruptly go dark after a few seconds when you'd been "just getting into it", and then an impudent cheeky pop-up window appear dat heartlessly states, "Oops --- you need to have a paid subscription to read this article!" or, "We're pleased that you're enjoying our content. Pay $"X" amount to continue reading." But of course, clever penny-pinching little sneak dat you are, you --- unlike all of those naive 'n' clueless other 99% of da web-viewers --- know a "cheat code" for accessing da precious essay despite dat greedy company's disgusting coercive measure that attempts to extract funds outta ya... rather than resignedly "shelling out", you simply click da "back" arrow and then bring up da article-page again, but this time you hastily perform da "ctrl+a" key-tap to "select" (highlight) da entire article, then do a "ctrl+c" key-punch to store da page's words into memory. This way, even if da page goes dark again, you won't "lose" da words dat you were trying to read. You then open a blank "Notepad" (simple-text only) page, paste da stored words int it, and then smugly start reading.
Performing a text-grab is not only a great way to read "pay-to-view" articles for free, but it saves "wasted" money, as well, since nine times outta ten you probably find da content of said essays fairly mundane and unrelated to you or your life, anyway, and so you would probably have felt "let down" after paying to read said content, since you would feel dat you'd "spent good money for nothing" when none of da material was all dat interesting to you, after all.
by QuacksO June 8, 2019
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A long and rapid fire text exchange between two or more people, usually about nothing, using mobile devices. Text-a-bouts usually are social in nature and in the past may have been grounds for other forms of conversation such as a phone call. " I was about to call Jane but we got into this big text-a-bout and didn't have to."

Not to be confused with Text-battle which is more combative in nature, a text-a-bout is usually more casual and sometimes flirtatious in nature. Seldom spoken about but you know when it occurs, typically 20-30 texts at a time would comprise a text-a-bout.
" I was about to call Jane but we got into this big text-a-bout and didn't have to."
by Ben Jud64 November 18, 2013
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Purposefully waiting a long time to text someone back in order to increase anticipation and drama, especially if someone just asked you out or expressed feelings for you
Amy: I’m not sure what to do. Adam texted that he’s into me, but I also like Blake and Juan.

Lola: Just text torture him until you figure out whether you want to hook up with him or not.
by builtforspeed July 26, 2018
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Random letters and symbols typed on a keyboard by a cat before accidentally hitting enter
Ffdv bnccvbcccch)$@,,,:;dfhmm is not a word it is just kitty text
by Hacquer September 20, 2022
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