crush 40

crush 40 is the worst example of a "rock band"
their music is shit
jimmy: what the fuck are you listening to?
alex: crush 40
jimmy: dude crush 40 is the worst rock band in existence
by notmemes May 14, 2019
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A kid named Eric who somehow got sucked into the band kid crowd
Band kid 1: yo who’s this guy?

Band kid 2: oh it’s Eric, he’s a half band kid

Band kid 1: oh sick
by WormSoul December 14, 2022
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a flat, thin strip or loop of material used as a fastener. For reinforcement, or as asdecoration
what is a band
by October 12, 2020
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A Cool but yet fine ass rockstar ass big dick swinging cock thrashing on bitches looking like a motherfucking demon but yet his cock is huge and oh yea his cock is huge and also umm old heads hate his ass with a passion and oh yea he ummm got a big dick and his music is fire asf to fucking fire and ummm that's it's and oh yea people call him crazy cause HE THE SHIT BITCH
Yoooo I just heard that randy bands shit and it was fye asf hope no old heads hear it he keep fucking my bitch with his HUGE ASS HELMET COCK IT DELICIOUS
by Mynameismyname123 October 16, 2023
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A more 'band orientated' group that if you call them banons flip a lid. They say band anons were before everyone joined
I'm a band anon not a banon.
by Why not banon? December 30, 2014
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When you like a band soooooo much that you have to make a whole website about it
(Your Band)-ictionary examples:
The Magentas-ictionary!
The Urbans-ictionary!
by mtyuaduauduve3845 March 14, 2022
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(v.) the act of faking an injury to get out of something you don't enjoy
Person 1: Man, I really hate playing soccer. The team is full of douches.
Person 2: Dude, just pull a jazz band and get out of it.
by Anonymous5073 February 15, 2016
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